Rent vs Own: The Simple Math
A recent Forbes article by Lawrence Yun makes a great point about the big question on renting vs owning. Although there are normally many factors that go into the decision, people need to make sure they aren't overlooking the simple math of the difference in net worth.
"The differences between buying and renting are massive. According to the Federal Reserve, a typical homeowner’s net worth was $195,400, while that of renter’s was $5,400. The data reflects 2013 and the next survey of household finances, which is conducted every three years, will be out in 2016. Based on what has happened since 2013 and projecting a conservative assumption of what could happen next year to home prices if we see only 3% price growth, the wealth gap between homeowners and renters will widen even further. The Fed is likely to show a figure of $225,000 to $230,000 in median net worth for homeowners in 2016 and around $5,000 for renters. That is, a typical homeowner will be ahead of a typical renter by a multiple of 45 on a lifetime financial achievement scale."
"A recent survey of consumers commissioned by my organization revealed that 80% believe that purchasing a home is a good financial decision (2015 National Housing Pulse Survey). Most consumers appear to already understand the simple math and the benefits of homeownership. So don’t overthink the matter of whether now is a good time to buy, or whether stock market returns will be better. The exact timing of a home purchase will have little financial impact in the big scheme of things. Just know that homeowners generally do come out ahead of renters in the long run."
If you are thinking about buying your first home, feel free to contact us or download a free buyer guide to learn more about the process for buying a home.
Shawn & Kyle Cunningham
Cunningham Group at RE/MAX Advantage
Source: Forbes